Mass Psychology

Collective Psyche * Introduction * Manifest Destiny Manifesto * Memescape * Mass Psychology * Tavistock Agenda 2 * Reality Tunnels * Subliminazis * Biowarfare * Glocalization * Adult Development * Profiling * Image Streaming * Truth Values * Chaos Consciousness * Emotional Alchemy * Neurotheology * Synthetic Telepathy * Psi Research * Dissolution * Healing Tales * Disrupted Lives * Freestyle * Edge Artists * Intentionality * Change Agent * Blog

WAKE UP! Mass Psychology, propaganda, territorial imperative, engineered consent to mock executions, controlling human nature by disarming the mind.

'By Names and Images are powers awakened and re-awakened'. ~Golden Dawn
The Long Crisis, Psystrat & Tavistock Agenda
by Iona Miller, 9/2009

Tavistock "Stink Tank": Metaprogramming the Future with Lockdown Control from Cradle to Grave

The Twisted Root

The character of mighty oaks and dense forests are holographically contained in their tiny seeds. On the Tavistock family tree, there are many intertwined twisted roots, many divergent branches each with their own agendas, and many strange fruits. All of them lead to interesting tangents, wild connections, and fantastic conclusions. They range from occult influences, to intelligence operations, to outright greed but always involve power and control over the world we experience.

Forms of cultural hegemony include psychological, spiritual, emotional, political, social, military, economic, medical and intellectual oppression and domination. Certain research projects are suppressed by dogmatic science. Like any ideology, Tavistock asks us to believe its deceptive promises and refrain from questions about what they don't tell. They control the highs and lows of our expectations and the controlled demolition of the economy. To think otherwise may be painfully naive.

We don't expect them to manufacture ideologies and enemies to mobilize the masses. We don't expect them to engage in covert dirty tricks, secretly foment revolutions or use deceptive diplomacy to execute a secret social and esoteric agenda. We don't expect to actively work against our health and welfare, destroying the food chain, good water and good earth, not to mention developing biological weapons.

We don't expect them to engineer arrested development and family breakdown. We don't expect them to use 'planning theory' and pop culture to foster alienation and dysfunction. We don't expect them to poison the well of global society in their undeclared war on humanity. We must learn to see through what they do as coercion, using their esoteric techniques of crisis creation and management. Their initial project -- Operation Research on military management techniques -- was turned on civilians.

Tavistock is an immersive process, a transnational inter-agency collaboration, whose 'research' is best evaluated by its real-world phenomena -- the cumulative effects of machinations, trendspotting, memes, and propaganda. They look at effects, then find the causes to produce them. They begin with solutions and find the problems they solve. They create media and products to satisfy needs that don't yet exist. They shape the world by shaping opinion.

Even 'sanitized,' their programs have global repercussions. In quantum information theory, if all records of an event are decorrelated from it, then by definition there is no way to know whether this event has ever happened. This situation is indistinguishable from its not having happened. Talk about 'dark matters.'

Correlates at the social scale are obvious: history is fed through multiple feedback loops, censored and manufactured, redacting the most important covert forces in play. Most agents of influence, involved in strategic formulation of complex ill-structured problems, are unaware their contributions are twisted.

R&D is disguised as simple program context, objectives, content and futures. An inventory of program policy objectives is mapped onto program activities (projects). How these activities contribute to achieving policy objectives is analyzed. Limitations are identified as well as scope of future action needed to fulfill program objectives. The process is fractally reiterated at every scale throughout all domains of the cultural landscape.

Posthegemony is not a class struggle but a "struggle to produce class," and maintain an elite class. Class war is created. This is how and why we were Neoconned. No traditional myth is as untruthful as the modern myth of progress -- the fiction that life can be altered at will. Paradoxically, the human imagination arguably can be blamed for the worst crimes of our era.

Analogous to nature's holographic projection, Tavistock uses constructive and destructive interference patterns to manifest its virtual multidimensional imagery. Metaphorically, as in physics and perturbation theory, probability is only cancelled out by 'renormalization.' Tavistock operates like a 'normalizing constant.' They constrain the sum over all classes, of all cultural potentials (nested overlapping divergences) to 1 -- globalization. They make their programs the most probable and authoritatively call that 'normal.'

Political Philosopher John Gray attacks humanism as a worldview in which volition and morality are an illusion. He portrays humanity as a ravenous species engaged in wiping out other forms of life. His view is that universal human rights are not an ideal constitution for a single regime throughout the world, but a set of minimum standards for peaceful coexistence among regimes that will always remain different. In the course of pursuing the utopian ideal of a world without evil, entire societies have been destroyed.

"The core of the belief in progress is that human values and goals converge in parallel with our increasing knowledge. The twentieth century shows the contrary. Human beings use the power of scientific knowledge to assert and defend the values and goals they already have. New technologies can be used to alleviate suffering and enhance freedom. They can, and will, also be used to wage war and strengthen tyranny. In the twentieth century, these technologies were used to implement state terror and genocide on an unprecedented scale. Ethics and politics do not advance in line with the growth of knowledge -- not even in the long run." (John Gray, Heresies)

Cryptocracy refers to a type of government where the real leaders are hidden. A fake government may appear to be in charge and not know themselves that they are not in charge. It can also be used when referring to similar arrangements in institutions, organizations, orders, sects and cults. Tavistock and its subsidiaries and de facto offshoots are such institutions. Tavistock is the rudder on the pirate ship of state, not only steering but manipulating delusionary and inappropriate foreign and domestic policy.

The occult is one of the keys to world events. Reality is also defined by geopolitics. Like nature, history is cyclic. Corporate feudalism has replaced democracy as the new elitist rule. Drug companies are now as powerful as banks and oil. Corporations compete with nation-states and international mafia-style crime rings, employing the gambits of straw-dogs, smokescreens, hypnotized patsies, manufactured demons and false flags. In this world, nothing is ever as it seems. The best laid plans for utopia have diverted us from confronting geopolitical realities while masking consequences. False pretenses are used to execute plans serving manufactured ambition with quasi-religious zeal.

Taking a cue from the history of the British East India Company, Tavistock created the drug-culture of the 60s by flooding the country with drugs to undermine the peace movement and traditional family. Narco-capitalism is one of the less advertised features of globalization, likely to grow larger in the economic downturn. In the past, drugs have financed what nations could not or would not do. Iran/Contra and Air America are two examples that likely continue in other forms.

The anti-drug crusade is ritual combat masking a deeper level of profound collusion and profiteering by intelligence groups, money-laundering transnational banksters, urban guerillas, and terrorists. The futile global crusade continues, despite evidence that it is driven by the same forces that promoted and exploited it.

Consensus is growing that the falsely so-called War on Drugs has failed, yet it is still imminently fundable as an industry. The double-bind is that we cannot afford to continue an absurd war on drugs, nor can we afford to stop. A collapse in drug prices would reduce yet another false bubble in both local and global economies.

The Tavistock strategy moved far beyond any institutional walls as it mutated and adapted full-spectrum dominance to every facet of life, controlling all elements of the psyops battlefield across the range of conflicts with the witting and unwitting help of NGOs, academia, science, government, medicine and military.

Arising from analysis of false consciousness and the ideology of capitalism "critical theory" is the umbrella term (from the Frankfurt School) for an array of theories in English-speaking acedemia. But the negative effects of hegemony lead to global instability. When meaning itself becomes unstable, sinister schemes take on a life of their own.

Society works by mutual coercion, mutually agreed upon responsibilities, threats and punishments. Social Contract Theory is a political and philosophical concept describing how people form states or maintain social order. This is the theoretical groundwork of democracy and republicanism.

We give up some autonomy to a government or other authority in order to receive or maintain social order through the rule of law with consent of the governed. Criminals abdicate their rights and society protects itself from such outlaws, theoretically.

The biggest criminals remain at large though politicians like to pretend they embody a moral consensus. Things really went askew when CIA colluded from the 1950s-70s with MKUltra spycologists to crack the code on consciousness, volition, memory and programming. They exploited psycho-chemical tools for studying the mindbrain with disregard for their human guinea pigs.

The utilitarian social contract and the civil rights it protects are neither "natural rights" nor permanently fixed. The contract itself is only a means to an end -- the benefit of all. It is only legitimate to the extent that it meets the general interest. When it fails, we renegotiate the terms with elections and legislation - a reflective equilibrium or a two-stage bargaining game with flesh and bones.

The Prisoner's Dilemma of game theory (originally framed at RAND in 1950 as a Cold War strategy) frames paradoxes in self-interest. There is a higher payoff in betrayal than cooperation. The iterated prisoner's dilemma has also been referred to as the "Peace-War Game."

If the contract leads to unwitting tyranny, it is void and the right to rebellion is legitimized. Inferred justification is no excuse. In terms of game theory, it isn't 'playing fair.' Strategy-set restricitons skew the game. The old game is made irrelevant by the noncooperative predatory game.  There are unseen forces in play.

The Prisoner's Dilemma is a classic example of a non-zero-sum game. The equilibrium in Prisoner's Dilemma is not the optimum solution. The enlightened self-interest of ethical philosophy doesn't have a chance. Risk is minimized by cooperation at the expense of individuation, of 'soul.' Illegal, immoral experiments are conducted daily in the name of national security and you are not exempt. Your compliance is manipulated with forced choices.

Although cooperation is ultimately exploited and extinguished, dynamic paths can "pseudo converge" in ways that allow partial cooperation to flourish for extended periods of time. Propaganda twists emotional involvement  wrapped up in personal identity and sense of morality. Restricting  information supports false beliefs and 'belief retention' blurs critical thinking. If the controllers are criminal, engaging in mass deception, the social contract is utterly broken. The deception is pretending that is not so.

Everywhere is Ground Zero

Many articles describe the psychosocial history of the Tavistock Institute and its draconian social-engineering agenda. But this one approaches it using Tavistock's own analytical frame for the psychosis of civilization. It uses the terminology and working model of the psyche of its pioneers, Freud and Jung. Both described the dynamic interplay of instincts, ego and the transpersonal.

Psyche or 'soul' is our innermost self, the seed of our being. Jung believed that, "... within the soul from its primordial beginnings there has been a desire for light and an irrepressible urge to rise out of the primal darkness. The longing for light is the longing for consciousness." Current research suggests that light within us is literal. German biophysicist Popp discovered the virtual photon master control system of cells, but that is another story, (see 'Photonic Human'). Soul is our ground zero - our essence, our personal zero point that connects us to the nurturing source of life.

James Hillman's 1997 'acorn theory' of the soul contends each individual has unique potential inside themselves, as an acorn holds the pattern for an oak tree. This unique energy of each soul is displayed in character over a lifetime, revealed in one's calling and emergent life's work -- their fruits.

The shamanic task is retrieving souls from the underworld. We might contend it is this soul that Tavistock undermines and sucks dry with its toxic collaborations. It seizes the soul and carries it down into the underworld -- the domain of plutocracy. This is where it breaks not only the social, but the therapeutic contract with its unsuspecting victims. It subverts their process to its own ends, stealing parts of individuals including their emergent self-narrative.. Even 'self-help' has been coopted.

Currently, DARPA is working hard to crack the brain's neural code and develop "haptic interface" for sustaining and augmenting human performance. But in its day, depth psychology retrieved the functional patterns of psychic dynamics. Yet it remains for each individual to make them consciously his or her own as it unfolds from within. In psychology, this is individuation; in philosophy it is the spiritual quest. To 'see the light,' we first have to separate from it by observing ourselves.

The first thing we notice in the 'examined life' is the conflicted duality of nature and man: light and darkness, good and evil, life and death. Jung (1961) said, "To this day God is the name by which I designate all things which cross my willful path violently and recklessly; all things which upset my subjective views, plans and intentions and change the course of life for better or worse."

Many psychic dynamics, (each with their clusters of behaviors, feelings, thoughts and beliefs), operate like specific trance states, creating a form of tunnel-vision or blinkered vision. They include sexual reductionism, subversion of sexuality, repression, narcissism, projection, fragmentation and integration, compensation, opposition and polarity, fixation, repetition compulsion, catharsis and more. 

Jung stressed complexes, typology, mythology, dreams, individuation, transference, universal patterns, esoterics and the dynamic unconscious. Psychodrama retrieves myth and ritual. Politics and history is collective psychodrama. Ritual psychodrama is a mass metaprogramming technique that plays 24/7 in high definition. It's a cliche that 'television is the opiate of the masses.' But it is still also true of religion and an increasing variety of pharmaceuticals, not to mention a robust heroin epidemic.

Misdirection and cultural fads, such as 'The Secret' are also metaprograms. The real secret is you had better look somewhere else for the truth when your attention is misdirected. (see 'Intentionality') This doesn't imply there is no truth in the notion that "when many people share the same thought, that thought can have physical effects." On the contrary, it is time to decide exactly 'what matters.' History demonstrates that when historic change is in progress, the status quo engages agents of distraction and disinformation to slow the process.

What if large groups are forced into the same thoughts? You are in a conditioned trance right now. Consensus reality is a trance state, your lifestyle is a trance state, your self-image, your social roles, your politics, your lovelife, your beliefs, even your dreams -- all conditioned by cultural forces manifesting through your subconscious.

A founder of neurobiology, [Rockefeller Prize winning] Changeux's writings include the classic Neuronal Man: The Biology of Mind (1983); The Physiology of Truth: Neuroscience and Human Knowledge (2004); Raison et Plaisir (1994), which investigates the "cerebral" origin of artistic creation and its enjoyment; and a collaboration with philosopher Paul Ricoeur (What Makes Us Think? A Neuroscientist and a Philosopher Argue about Ethics, Human Nature and the Brain, 1998).

> Changeux, a neuroscientist at the Institut Pasteur in Paris, told a meeting
> of the French national bioethics committee that advances in cerebral
> imagining make the scope for invasion of privacy immense. He said that
> although the equipment needed is still highly specialized, it will become
> commonplace and capable of being used at a distance. That will open the way
> for abuses such as invasion of personal liberty, control of behavior and
> brainwashing. Denis LeBihan, a researcher at the French Atomic Energy
> Commission, told the meeting that the use of imaging techniques has reached
> the stage where we can almost read people's thoughts.

Direct-interface brain implants that merge with the substrate of the mind are on the immediate horizon. Our peripherals already constitute exocortical technology. The age of the cyborg is here. Some of us will be enhanced and others won't. Consumer-level cognitive enhancement and neuroprosthetics is the next wave, for good or ill. But it will change us.

If you aren't "in" the trance, you are "out" of society, stuck in a desire-lack gulag. Attention, trust, reputation and intimacy are in short supply. Subtle (covert) order undergirds the chaos of the 'reign of terror,' a phantom empire, whose latest buzzwords are, "Risk, Control, Trust." Self-organizing and self-directed behavior is much more likely in the government of the near-future. It gives new latitude to 'plausible deniability.'

'Open government' is emerging as Gov 2.0: "There is a growing tension between hierarchy and collaborative networks. Rewarding based on value produced, rather than how it is produced has interesting desultory effects on new tools and approaches. The accuracy and attribution of Web 2.0 tools must be improved for many government applications. Security requirements, fear of scrutiny, and need-to-know create a culture that inhibit the sharing of knowledge and best practices. Communication lines are blurring between department, agency, and national entities. Trust is a notion that's already deeply held by most government workers." Yet this government that 'trusts' itself doesn't trust its citizens at all.

Cultural theorist, Arthur Kroker, outlines a dehumanizing vector: "what we traditionally have meant by human perception, (vision, insight, ethical judgment, discriminating between reality and illusion) has been effectively shut down, almost surgically replaced by the virtual vision machine of the militarized imagination. We are suddenly rendered vulnerable to the new virtual myths about the supposedly hygienic character of posthuman warfare." Information warfare (PSYOPS; Agitprop; psychotronics) is bloodless but just as pernicious.

We live in a complex physical and social structure, historically located in space and time. Kroker suggests we develop filters against such psychic infiltration. He suggests that in radical crisis the individual must courageously refuse to assent to totalitarian power.

The destiny of individual freedom depends on maintaining critical ethical judgment and a clarity that can filter out propaganda and rebel against it. Too bad, even our rebellions are controlled. The 'story' must be continually upgraded to keep the 'audience' engaged.

The institutions and patterns of thought of the (military/industrial/academic) World-Machine have created an interconnecting set of world-wide problems of an ecological, economic and political nature. Machine-minded think tanks, even if they are thinking globally, can only see entropic decay through their own worldview. They cannot think out of the box, unless there is a fundamental paradigm shift that is reflected in the sciences, and likely foreseen in the arts.

The energy shortage, rise of food prices, scandals in government, and unwinable wars against ideas like ideologies and "terrorism" are the first harbingers of the approaching mega-crisis. There are two routes from here: The route of stagnation and eventual total collapse, and the route of flexibility and growth, which could lead to a golden age. Chaos Theory reveals both catastrophe (bifurcation) and renewal are likely inevitable.

Rather than the obsolete paradigm of a "world machine", we need to think in more organic terms of holistic self-organization ~ reorganization at a higher level -- as revealed in Chaos Theory, which demonstrates nature's own creative way of evolutionary assembly. All things are simply connected.

The Talking Cure

The 'cure' for society's ills depends upon who is framing the question and prescribing the remedy. Theories often reflect the personalities of their creators. Freud emphasized family metaphors and psychosexual healing against the backdrop of a war between the instincts for life and death. Jung favored connection to and emancipation from the mythic collective. Patterns and imitation of patterns are common to both theories, as are primacy of frustrations and fears. 

The chaos of realities contains hidden consensual structure. Our perceptions are attracted to certain types of order. Yet myths underlie our perceptions of permanence, objective individualism, collectivism, and symbolic reality. Narcissism is destructive, alienating and self-defeating. Trance is a psychic black hole, a reality wormhole.

Breuer's "talking cure" preceded both Freud and Jung. Talking alone, personal and collective narrative, can change neural pathways in the brain. There is power in the stories we tell ourselves about ourselves. They define our reality. (see 'Healing Tales')

The "talking cure" became the signature of the "Tavistock Method," and a blanket solution (with psychotropic drugs) to mental distress. The character-building method is self-questioning and psychiatric investigation. While therapy gives empathy a mirroring face, it also substitutes a surrogate parent with sanctimonious certitude for self-care and self-regulation.

When Tavistock pioneers began exploring the psyche, it was terra incognita. Now that once unknown ground is riddled with the twisted roots of Tavistock's insidious penetration and experimentation which has permeated the collective psyche. Modulating someone's internal state is a powerful form of control using the power of imagery. Conditioning replaces external constraint with internal compulsions on both essence and substance.

Today's experiential therapies and other panaceas arose from explorations at "the Tavi." They seem to have a positive effect on individuals and groups, but therapeutics became the new authority for authority -- the arbiter of legitimate and illegitimate thinking. There is no questioning it. Questioning it is 'crazy.'

One of Plato's tricks was "forbidding the question." His Republic is a blueprint for tyrannical systemic philosophical control. 'The Big Lie,' a hypnotic propaganda technique, is rooted in Plato's 'Noble Lie,' the myth knowingly told by the elite to maintain social control. The lie is different at the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels.

Perhaps the real expose lies not in the Tavistock history but in the methodology of institutionalized alienation. Much of it is Psychology 101, taken to unimaginable extremes, combined with inverted spirituality. There are too many details to cover here, particularly regarding directed-energy weapons and psychotronics (see 'Synthetic Telepathy'). But generally-speaking, the poison is the cure.

Name Your Poison

In Sept. 2009, h+ reported on neuro frontier designer drugs. In The Neuro Revolution: How Brain Science Is Changing Our World, Zach Lynch summarizes, "Neurotechnology is the broad term for drugs, devices and diagnostics focused on the brain and nervous system," he says. "Neuroceuticals . . . have very low if any side effects, so that they may be used by healthy humans. There are three categories of neuroceuticals: cogniceuticals for memory, emoticeuticals for emotions, and sensoceuticals focused on sensory systems."

The paradoxical Greek word "pharmakon" can be translated as 'drug,' which means both remedy and poison. In Plato's Pharmacy, Derrida traces its meanings in Plato's dialogues: remedy, poison (either the cure or the illness or its cause), philter, drug, recipe, charm, medicine, substance, spell, artificial color, and paint.

The alchemists also call their elixir or panacea both a cure and a poison, describing the dangers of the interactive field experience, including failure to recognize trance states. Derrida notes, "This pharmakon, this medicine, this philter, which acts as both remedy and poison, already introduces itself into the body of the discourse with all its ambivalence." Tavistock 'paints' a picture of the world (simulacrum; textual trance) and we must embrace it.

Restricting the multiple meanings of a given word is a problem of translation, so we can call pharmakon either a remedy or a poison. Both a curative medicine and poison, it represents a fundamentally ambiguous binary opposition with no fixed identity or meaning. It is the medium in which opposites are opposed and the contradictory meanings in which they appear to play out. Opposites are identical in nature but different by degrees.

Plato said that "true philosophers make dying their profession," referring to the wisdom inherent in this process.  What is natural and instinctual is allowed to die and transform. Where Freud saw a life/death struggle, Jung saw a death/rebirth mystery of cyclic passages and renewal.

Jung was distinctly Hermetic. The 'wounded-healer' learns how to heal others tending his or her own sickness unto death. The process of rebirth is the mythic enactment of "the one story" whose pattern is found in every narrative.  Beneath the differences, the meaning -- having to do with the loss and recovery of identity -- does not change.  The loss and regaining of identity is the framework of most literature, from which comes the hero with a thousand faces.

Freud exalted the fused instincts Eros and Thanatos as the root of drives -- eroticism and suffering, affirmation and negation. Culture takes place in between as they war with one another. Symptomatic sexuality is based in the Eros-Thanatos tension. Guilt arises from the irreversible tension between the two. Individuals caught between two stages of development, who do not hold clearly defined positions within their social system, feel marginal, excluded, without identity or influence.

As a transitional phase Thanatos is the gap between the former and future social position or magico-religious state, a liminal period of uncertainty, of virtual 'invisibility.' If the social condition is permanent, it means marginalization, disenfranchisement, 'Outsiderhood.' Liminal personae occupy an edge realm of potential for new ideas and concepts and so pose a threat to the establishment.

For the deeply oppressed to gain access to their objective interests they often must undergo liberating personal transformation. Those caught in such positions, including artists, have an unusually clear view on the social structure from which they are excluded. They carry the potential for critique of the norms that prevail within that structure. The threshold is a symbol of division between self and others.

Relationships and social status are negotiated at the threshold, one is either rejected from or welcomed to the other side. To gain admission and step over the threshold into someone else's space means to submit to the rules that are in force in that place Social organization decides whether we are included in or excluded from a social group. Political or religious reasons or social rank can account for the identification of a person with a certain group and space. At the threshold, one can also enter new territory.

As soon as the state of a person is subject to change, such as in the process of maturation or at the initiation into another social position or group, this person is detached from its former position in the social structure. Undergoing the process his or her structural attributes become temporarily ambiguous or neutralized, and finally re-emerges in cultural space. Liminals are betwixt and between the positions and roles assigned by law, custom, convention, and ceremonial. Liminals and marginals at the frayed edge of society question, expose, critique and redefine the central values of culture.

In alchemy, the images of figurative death appear during the operation called mortificatio.  This symbolic experience of death has to do with darkness, defeat, torture, mutilation, death, rotting, penance, and abstinence -- denial of the body.  Emotionally it means the primitive, violent outbursts, resentments, and pleasure and power demands must die for the process of transmutation to occur.  Paradoxically, we must make ourselves miserable to transform.  Then the dark images change to positive ones of growth, resurrection and rebirth.

Fear is the primary agent of mortificatio.  Moving toward the fear and pain--deepening it--brings one closer to the transformation. It feels like defeat and failure. Yet, to resist seems like madness--in fact, it induces madness. Those with near-death experiences tell us that to embrace death brings about deeper meaning and purpose in life.

What is natural and instinctual is allowed to die and transform when projections are withdrawn. In therapeutic journeys, ego death brings images of rotting corpses, decapitation, amputation, creeping, crawling worms and snakes, and particularly noxious odors like the stench of graves. It is a barefoot journey through a serpent-filled "Valley of the Shadow of Death." 

Through "creative regression," the generic form of ego death, consciousness recycles, recursively bending back upon itself.  The direction is a recapitulation of, a re-experiencing of sequences from earlier life, conception and birth experience, ancestral awareness, genetic and physiological recognitions, molecular and atomic perception, and quantum consciousness.

As consciousness explores and expands, ego dissolves. Pure consciousness, the fundamental luminosity, is the ground state of unborn form.  The generic purpose of ego death is to liberate our embodied being, precipitating communion with and holographic re-patterning by the Whole. All forms finally dissolve into unconditioned consciousness of the ground state of pure creative potential.

Thus the psyche depicts the decay of outworn forms in preparation for new.  It can be a voluntary death, giving up the old order for the sake of wholeness, the incorruptible body that grows from death.  The infantile, personalistic ego is eclipsed.  The journey to the land of the dead (collective unconscious) opens one to transpersonal life.

Life, Death, Love are the experiential nucleus of our existence. Ego-death emerges from activated Thanatos, raw, undifferentiated consciousness. This unformed consciousness -- which we often mistake for death -- is really the essence of our vitality and life force. It is the energy we can use to recreate ourselves in every instant of time. It reaches our awareness through dreams (Hypnos) and the flow of our imagination.

Never-satisfied Eros or libido is the force "which ensures the unity and cohesion of everything existing in the world." As Eros moves the warmth of life toward greater complexity, Thanatos personifies our unconscious cynicism. If Thanatos is entropy, Eros is complex adaptive systems. Thanatos is our mortality.

Both Jung and Freud recognized the latent archetypal "murderer and suicide" in us. Freud pointed out that "pathologizing" is a metaphorical language of the psyche, allowing it to deliteralize the events of our daily life. Psychopathologies had been considered trivial, but Freud showed that they contained a previously invisible depth of meaning. The nature of that meaning revealed the profound relationship of death to life. Dreams, symptoms, and afflictions became the inroads into the dark realm of the subconscious.

Freud resurrected the intimate symbolic connection between soul and death for Westerners. Eastern religions had never lost this connection. He showed how the perspectives of Hades and Thanatos dissolve the organic, social, and emotional aspects of human life. Fantasies of putrefaction, decay, sickness, compulsion, and suicidal impulses disclose this psychological perspective which seeks deepening. Freud ended his own life enraptured or fascinated with this train of thought.

Life is sustained by desire and self-preservation. Eros also personifies love of Psyche, love for the imaginal. The death drive destroys connections and eliminates tension. Aggression is a projection of the death drive. Freud's student Adler added the 'will to power' to primary drivers. Hermes collapses opposites by breaking boundaries, often on the faith-skepticism axis.

Mythic polarities include creation-apocalypse; nurturance-deprivation; achievement-failure; completion-fragmentation; affirmation-cynicism; acceptance-debilitation; hope-despair; reconciliation-polarization; wisdom-ignorance; celebration-betrayal; rebirth-death; questing-passivity, and intimacy-separation (Krippner). They are the black and white keys on the psychic organ. But this is more than a cognitive process but multidimensional oscillation across domains.

According to h+, "most brain functions can best be described as cooperative, synchronized activity of large, distributed ensembles of neurons, and a large part of this synchronized activity is of an oscillatory nature. These autorhythmic oscillatory properties of neurons in the central nervous system are a consequence of their electrochemical properties. The cooperative and oscillatory activities of these neurons can be seen as the basis for the timing of sensory-motor coordination and trance phenomena."

Meaning is created by interpretation through the play of opposites, including 'inside' and 'outside'. It hints at negative 'side effects' inherent in any intervention. In terms of 'healing,' remedy and poison are inseparable: because the pharmakon is artificial, because it comes from outside rather than from within, it is never simply beneficial. When it is not treating a disease, a psychotropic becomes dope.

Pharmakos, "human scapegoat" or "sacrificial slave" derives from the same root, but changing the scapegoat doesn't change anything real. Catharsis is the emotional release associated with talking about the underlying causes of a problem or seeing a dream.

Psychotherapy replaces the scapegoat with catharsis, a form of self-sacrifice, for purification and emotional purgation, particularly in relation to the projective contents of the Shadow. Archetypal and programmed biases residing in the self-image are "owned" consciously, transformed and relinquished. Transmodern scapegoating takes place in the virtuality - first-person shooter games.

Pharmakeus means druggist, poisoner and by extension, wizard, magician, trickster or sorcerer, initiator -- the shaman/healer. Shamanism is medicine for the imagination using tricks or techniques to alter perception. Whether transformation is induced through drugs, behavior modification, or emotive talk therapies, the purpose is to change perception of reality. The shaman/therapist is mediator of dreams, soul guide and consummate image-maker and interpreter.

Defense mechanisms include acting out, autistic fantasy, denial, devaluation, displacement, dissociation, idealization, intellectualization, isolation, passive aggression, projection, rationalization, reaction formation, repression, somatization, splitting, suppression, and undoing.  The therapist handles them with bypassing, reassurance, distraction, confrontation, interpretation, or changing vantage point or scope.

The psychotherapeutic approach to healing essentially represents order (through chaos). The shamanic approach represents chaos, often including trance, drugs, adventure and spiritual power plays. These worldviews seem divided but the true nature of reality is dynamic interplay of chaos and order. Like yin and yang, they encompass one other, so there is flow between the two.

The shaman/therapist embodies and personifies both polarities with one foot in the natural and supernatural world. Traditionally, the shaman is involved in soul retrieval, returning a lost soul from the realm of the dead.

Healers help others find the doorways to the opportunities that crises can offer as traditional guiding models break down. The guiding myth of the shaman is that "personal power arises within."  The blending of the traditional and the innovative, the mystical and scientific, the masculine and feminine elements in healing, could guide our culture towards a balanced approach to healing. By recognizing our boundaries, we could move beyond them. The action takes place in the unknown, beyond the boundary of the known.

But the trickster can also trap with control. The clever, opportunistic trickster is often a deceitful transformer who creates ambiguity, illusion and altered states. Also, by extension, we have the 'deliberate insincerity' of Big Pharma and the pharmacratic War on Terror and Drugs. The latest bitter pill in this category is "bailouts." At the fringe, UFO phenomena are trickster phenomena.

Guiding vision is another premise common to both camps. Jung wrote extensively how visionary experience affected his life and gave him a mandate for his work. The shamanic vision quest is the native model. These visions "work" because we are not separate from the universe, nature, each other, our bodies, or hidden aspects of ourselves. But again, vision can be impressed and exploited by interpretation and other means up to the scale of zeitgeist. Worldview is collective vision.

Brief Therapy Never Ends

When the "talking cure," lifelong analysis, became impractical, brief focal and serial psychotherapy was initiated at the Tavistock Clinic by Balint and Malan. The 'point of maximum pain' or the 'therapeutic metaphor' is the chosen dynamic focus. Thus Tavistock's abusive arc compulsively motivates us, playing on our fear and pain. Fragmentation (multiple states of being), dissolution and alienation are the result. We need a cultural de-frag.

In alchemy, I Ching and even chaos theory, psychological dissolution is the further breaking down of the artificial structures of the psyche by the immersion in the unconscious or irrational and rejected parts of our minds. It is an unconscious process in which our conscious mind allows the surfacing of previously buried emotions that conceal or distort our true nature. It results in a flowing presence that is free of inhibitions, prejudgments, and restrictive mental structures.

Tavistock is so woven into our fabric, it is a 'sideffect' of life. It's about power not health. A population stalled in a narcissistic, puerile condition is super-susceptible to authoritarian regimes. Humanity has been stuck in a selfish, self-centered adolescence by control of 1) environment, 2) food and water, 3) disease, 4) wars and disaster, 5) crime 6) human rights, 7) science and technology. Controlled conflict brings controlled 'progress.' Humanity needs to grow up.

Soft-core brainwashing is so subliminal most people don't recognize it. Nor do they recognize covert pressures hiding in plain sight. You can't really fight this hydra-headed monster and you can't flee the mindbenders 'No Exit' game with a geographic or mental escape. They want you to escape into the virtuality and leave the 'real' world to them. If you withdraw into the virtuality you are no longer a protagonist in the social setting. "Gamer" (2009) describes one such scenario:

"Set in the near future, a time when mind-control technology has taken society by storm. Humans control other humans in a mass-scale, multiplayer online game. Reclusive billionaire Ken Castle has created the controversial form of entertainment, "Slayers," a hugely popular game that allows millions to act out their innermost desires and fantasies -- online -- in front of a global audience. Gaming has evolved into a terrifying new dimension-mind control-manipulation-people playing people. At the center is Kable, the superstar and cult hero of "Slayers," the savage, ultra-violent first person shooter game. Kable is controlled by Simon, a young gamer with rock star status who continues to defy all odds by guiding Kable to victory each week. Taken from his family, imprisoned and forced to fight against his will, the modern day gladiator must survive long enough to escape the game to free his family, regain his identity and to save mankind from Castle's ruthless technology."

Like a bad relationship, we habitually need more 'therapy' with each disabling crisis. Tavistock is a 'strange attractor' in the global psychodynamic field. It has brought us all to the self-organizing state of criticality - the boundary of chaos and order.

But order and health are not synonymous. Not everyone can be forced down the linear road to conformity. Describing how entrainment occurs over time, strange attractors can also move us into the space of what could be. Health does not come from a highly ordered world.

Jung believed that in psychic dynamics, chaos is inevitable, so he tried to find patterns in the chaos, The most constructive approach is to impose very little order and let organization emerge on its own. Jung also thought secrets were poison and confession was the cure.

A state of criticality (SOC) is the governing dynamical mechanism in a large class of complex natural systems. All events are intrinsic to the system. Various kinds of systems can be engineered into a critical state, by fine-tuning the parameters. Kindling changes can lead to cascades of morphing dynamics, avalanches of consequences. Though the 'edge' can be a horizon of creativity, chain reactions and catastrophic collapse are also possible.

Instead of inhabiting the United States, we are plunged into the bizarro world of imposed trance-states --  the Uninvited States of America. Whether you are on the Left or the Right, you are played against one another in the social construction of reality (totalitarian environment) with indirect suggestion, political and religious cliches and milieu control.

You can cause fear of extinction and annihilation by forcing choice on a future existential path. Loss of biometric identifiers, self-reliance, house, job, credit cards, bank account, driver's license, spouse, family is for the most part equated with death -- or worse -- irrelevance. You must obey the doctrine or lose your personal identity which was created for you and will be stripped away. So don't question too much; just follow along.

You will continually have to fight for your liberation, for your civil and human rights. The oppressor does not tolerate resistance or dissent, peaceful or otherwise. And your right to self-defense and self-determination will repeatedly be undermined. The rhetoric about democracy is just that -- it has never been actualized.

In the culture at large, therapeutic authority has transformed personal and group relations in family, work, school, hospital, office, media, government and military. While it has taught us "better" communication, it has undermined traditional roles. Stories we consistently tell ourselves determine our reality.

Your reality is made of symbols weighted by metaphors. All communication is hypnotic. NLP demonstrates how even casual conversation can be loaded with sleight of mouth, cues, "embedded commands," suggestive language patterns. Parallel realities, triggers and anchors, time binds, illusory choice, submodalities, persuasion and psychological drivers  can be manipulated.

The collective will of the people has been undercut with "shock and awe," frustration and demoralization. Tavistock first fed us illusions as stepping-stones before weaning us on disillusion, exemplified in lowered expectations and the current healthcare debates. Positive and negative reinforcement include "the takeaway," turning dreams into pipe dreams and mystical manipulation.

Even though its agenda has jumped the boundaries of its parent organization, Tavistock has seeded chaos leading to the death of an outworn post-industrial mindset, clearing the stage for a transmodern information society with a distinctly fascist tone.

Controlled chaos leads to submission. How we got into this double bind is a labyrinthine story involving psychiatry, fascism, Nazis, Communism, CIA, MI6, media, corporations, government and universities. It is the story of how we lost even the fantasy of democracy to corporate feudalism.

What's New with My Subject?

The Mindbenders

Just outside London, Tavistock Institute is the nerve center of a global psywar apparatus that attacks our collective psyche relentlessly. Established after World War I by the Duke George of Kent, the original Tavistock Clinic developed psychological warfare for British intelligence after studying shellshock (PTSD) victims. They determined neurosis, self-division, was pervasive in modern society and they learned how to manipulate that for brainwashing.

Riding the coattails of "The Manchurian Candidate" (1962), a B horror movie, "The Mindbenders" came out in 1963, starring Dirk Bogarde as the victim of British brainwashers who isolated and water tanked him. The slow-paced script itself was a bit torturous, but apparently someone in Britain knew what was going on.

In the opening scene a clearly confused Professor on a moving train in a carriage full of passengers stands up and jumps off the train. The investigating Major is convinced Professor Sharpe acted like a Communist spy with remorse, but his young acolyte Dr. Tate refuses to accept this verdict and seeks the help of Sharpe's former colleague and friend, Dr. Longman.

The latter volunteers to undergo a devastating experiment and the scientists quickly learn that eight hours of isolation in a water tank has the same nightmarish effect on people as eight months of intense brainwashing methods. Trying to break both him and his relationship, they ramp the test up to an even more dangerous level to make Dr. Longman believe he doesn't love his wife of twelve years and mother of their four children.

It isn't difficult to induce a repressed psychosomatic state. We dissociate or turn on the auto-pilot to protect ourselves. Freud proved that breaking relationships and imposed sexual repression could be used as a weapon, spreading emotional contagion, bringing very primitive emotions to the forefront of targeted populations. It could simultaneously be used to build entire mythic systems.

Sexual repression and sex taboos could therefore be used to control and repress entire political communities, transforming their entire belief systems or separate the elite from the non-elite. Over the years more subtle, insidious techniques were developed for mass brainwashing, including modulation of the dynamical field of meaning.

Polluting water sources with estrogen and estrogen-like chemicals is having a devastating effect, leading to declines in male desire, potency and fertility. We excrete what we don't use. Unfilterable pharmaceutical pollution, not to mention detergents and pesticides, enter the food-chain through fish, affecting reproductive fitness.

There are accumulating signs of nicotine, steroids, antibiotics, blood pressure reducers, hormones, psychiatric drugs, and pain killers in treated water leaving sewage plants and adjacent aquifers, rivers, streams, and lakes. But if your agenda is culling the population that is a bonus.

Freud was brought into the Tavistock Institute of British Intelligence in order to keep this secret of the elite quiet. Countless MKULTRA Mind Control studies confirm sexual abuse and general repression as the perfect psychological warfare weapon: it can produce powerful conversion effects leaving little or no physical evidence of harm.

How did Tavistock become an interdisciplinary den of mad spyentists working on emergent meta-problems? In this case, indeed, the power of the many is greater than the power of the one. Tavistock has spread a dark net across the globe.

Since 9/11, even the memory of democracy is being erased. "Free Association" is putting an end to freedom, making 'self-observation' virtually obsolete through surveillance and manipulation. More than an international institution, Tavistock has become a nonlocal community of practice -- a dark 'invisible college,' the Castaglia of the cryptocracy.

Change Management

Officially, Tavistock presents itself as an apparently benign, mild-mannered thinktank and consultancy firm. But in the name of public service it conceals many toxic "family" secrets of its origins, personnel, "pioneering" approach, R&D and covert "psychotechnology" agenda.

Tavistock controls a metaverse from spirituality to pragmatic to covert levels. In a sense, they've turned us all into "Bilder-bots," wage-slave robots for their own controllers. Tavistock gave the shadow government its strongest weapons. Fear of breakdown alone can bring it about.

Founded in 1920, Tavistock Institute was first directed by John Rawlings Rees; his wife, Dr. Mary Rees Hemingway, was a co-founder. By 1947, Tavistock Institute of Human Relations turned its research findings on the British and American public, declaring a silent war on consciousness by reversing the equation that social structure is a defense against anxiety.

Their redefined social mission was called Operation Phoenix. There were four divisions of staff members: consultants, principal project officers, project officers and assistant  project officers. The grand strategy is the overall approach to winning the perpetual war - prosecuting the direct and indirect (covert) agenda.

After phony wars on poverty, drugs and terror, the current offensive is on debt and surplus population. But the bottom line is class war, as demonstrated by the recent gutting of the American middle class. When you 'lose' money, where do suppose it goes? It's not just your money, it's your freedom.

This war is conducted through the big guns of Information Warfare. Information warfare is a large set of activities aimed at the mind and will of the enemy. Part of the domestic information war is a barrage of useless information as well as disinformation.

The decisions to pursue the development of information weapons or to prosecute information warfare are governmental decisions. These decisions need to be made consciously and deliberately and with an understanding of the moral and ethical risks of information warfare. After assessing all the risks and deciding to create information weapons or engage in information warfare, the decision makers should first have an understanding of these weapons and a weapon employment theory before such warfare starts rather than after the weapons are deployed or have already been employed. Deception and disinformation, radioelectronic combat, propaganda, and the whole gamut of "psychological warfare" or command and control warfare attacks against enemy combatants at the operational level cannot be said to be wrongful. These aim to subdue without fighting or to reduce the amount of violence required. Becoming unhinged from reality in combat, like death or some other form of suffering, is a risk of which combatants are aware and is a possibility that combatants must accept. (Szafranski, USAF)

Cultural psychology was used to assess the enemy mentality. The original "Tavi-stalkers" didn't stop with the enemy and rewriting history. They spread their "Tavistock Method" theory and practice of mass mind control into all strategic institutions. Their psystrat -- turning reality inside out -- had multiple vectors, reconciling and unifying levels of strategy.

Synergy influenced maneuvers produce generalized effects, such as mob control, social mobility, changing mindsets or ideology and counterinfluencing through disinformation. Once you learn how to organize behavior -- "joint optimization" -- you know how to dis-organize it with value-dilemmas in groups, matrix and international networks.

Tavistock has upgraded from 1940s general systems theory to Chaos Theory and complexity modeling. Increasing in complexity, the contemporary environment is a 'turbulent field' in which the amount of disorder is increasing to the limit of a 'vortical' state in which healthy adaptation is impossible.

Turbulence cannot be managed by top-down bureaucracies but can be perturbed from collaborative bottom-up grassroots levels. This is a socio-ecological approach but regressive primitive behaviors re-emerge under stress and uncertainty.

One of the domain level approaches is futures studies and "headin' em off at the pass." The carrot now is the New Age dream of superhuman powers connected to the quickening pace of the 2012 mythos, a Precessional convergence into singularity, a "new" unity. "Pay no attention to the mysterious signs in the sky." If you don't know you are in a Schrodinger's Box, alive or dead, you make no attempt to get out. Many are convinced 2012 is the 'tipping point.'

Other demoralizing psystrat techniques include psychotropic drugs, depersonalization, diversion, stepping-stones, traumatization, eroding confidence, creating confusion, broken relationships, distrust and state-related learning. Memory-encoding maintains the trance and for recall one must return to the context-dependent state in which learning took place.

Recent discoveries link behavioral state-related gene-expression to the same loop, so physiological changes are possible. Behavioral states modulate certain patterns of gene-expression. Neurotransmitters modulate mental states, including natural healing, biorhythms and dreams.

The psychophysical link leads to the maxim that "psyche matters." Interaction between the genetic and behavioral levels is a two-way street. Genes and behavior are related in cybernetic loops of mind-body communication.

There is evidence that immediate-early genes (IEGs) function as mediators of information transduction between psychological experience, behavioral states, and gene expression.  A wide range of behavioral state-related gene expression (from relaxation, hypnosis and sleep to high arousal, performance, stress and trauma) culminate in the production of new proteins or homeostasis, physical and psychosocial adaptation. (Rossi)

Immediate-Early Genes (IEGs) are also fundamental in the regulation of REM-on, REM-off neurons, neuronal networks that are associated with REM sleep and dreaming. Deprivation of REM and dreaming creates its own phenomenology and pathologizes, which are naturally exploitable.

Gordon Lawrence "discovered" a Social Dreaming Matrix at Tavistock in 1982. Dreams could be used to extract cultural knowledge and scientific ideas, illumine social situations, provided the Sphinx knowledge perspective was used, and not the classic Oedipal one.

"Knowledge of the dream is the focus. Knowledge can be of three kinds. (a) Knowledge of the inanimate world which is expressed through mathematics, and physics making use of mathematical and mechanical metaphors, and formal logic.  (b) Knowledge of the organic world as expressed in biology which is linked with the use of evolutionary and organic metaphors, and dialectical logic. (c) Knowledge of the world of the personal, which is the highest and most comprehensive form of knowledge being the mutual knowledge of two persons. This personal knowledge includes the material and organic."

A Matrix is a place (Dreamland) from which something grows, acknowledging the unconscious, both personal and social, including the critical feelings and emotions of participants. A group is bounded by a universe of meaning but a Matrix is open and facilitates a multi-verse of meaning.

Divergent thinking is possible in the Matrix, a generative working hypothesis with intellectual and spiritual qualities. Often the 'unthought known' of the system is voiced, the 'secret' that is recognized but not spoken as a factor in the being of the system.

All these techniques induce a trance state because they function hypnotically, swinging wide the 'Doors of Perception,' described by Tavistock pioneer, Aldous Huxley. Tavistock wrote the blueprint for global domination, a triumph of image over substance. They wrote the book on propaganda, prognostication and profiling -- the staples of the full-spectrum surveillance society. They have contrived history.

Twisting facts with fiction produces friction. The simulation substitutes for reality. Netlife has taught us to invest the simulation with the weight of reality. When the real world gets too tight, we head to the virtual world for the space we need. As in physics, manifestations emerge from a phase space of possibilities of being and these events affect us in real-time.

It's as if cyberspace is a virtual training simulator for global architectronics. Are we mimicking what the Tavistock system has imposed on us - an ability to manipulate signs, icons, imagery  and symbols to alter perception? But there is a subtext to what we do there. Web-Bots read the collective unconscious from the Internet.

We now write our own open source dossiers for the watchers. We are profiled by demographic harvesters. And they know who and where (density maps) our friends are, even what astrological sign and psychetype the majority are. They have commodified our content to sell to others.

Psychology Today has labeled conspiracy thinking a psychotic illness, implying dissent or divergent thinking is insane as if conformity is sanity. Even with designer bodies, the virtuality is no escape from the "No Exit" Tavistock game. Soon we will live inside our televisions as they now live within us. We will have merged with the technology.


Funded by British royalty, Rothchilds, Rockefellers, the Federal Government and Wall Street, they learned the secret of transmuting infinite symbols into infinite power. They've widened the abyss between the elite and worker bees, without wielding overt control.

Tavistock has almost magically influenced the direction and effects of virtually every human endeavor with political and psychological warfare through its web of interlinking institutions. Nation management was the short-term goal with a single dark eye fixed relentlessly on the prize of pernicious globalization. Perhaps the best that can be said about this idealistic fascist philosophy is they actually intended to improve the world, or so they claim. The net effect is clearly different.

Through this twist of fate, the shaping of Tavistock became synonymous with the shaping of global culture by forcing unwelcome changes and seizing psychological control of the human race. The brainwashing institute has twisted our beliefs into their very opposites by collapsing our psychic boundaries. We are perpetually "shellshocked" by the warp speed of social and technological change.

Tavistock has twisted roots. In the 1960s, the para-medical group morphed into social science and social engagement -- Operational Research (OR), a matrix form of organization -- with nodes of an emerging international inter-corporate organization.
Types include socio-psychological, the socio-technical and the  socio-ecological perspectives.

Tavistock-like centers spread with joint undertakings in generic field-determined problems, not just small issues. Some are no longer directly linked with London. The work is future oriented and concerned with the transition to post industrial social order and transmodern paradigm shift. Problem-oriented research includes interdependent research/teaching, research/service, research/action forms. Autonomous institutes which must network arise from the later.

Family Affair

Tavistock's grandmother is the socioeconomic stranglehold and drug empire of the British East India Company and Theosophical esoterics. Its grandfather is "The Open Conspiracy" of Utopian H.G. Wells, Bertrand Russell, Cecil Rhodes and Fabian socialists. The Society for Psychical Research (SPR) helped create the Fabian Society.

Tavistock is the paranoid child of the paternal Leipzig and Frankfort schools of 'critical thinking' and 'behaviorism.' The psychodynamics of Freud and Jung are its godparents, kindling the psychospiritual superego, archetypal and transpersonal aspects of depth psychology.

The history of Tavistock is linked with drugs and psychopharmaceutical experimentation and abuse from the beginning. Cooke's 2009 article implies it ran on daily benzedrine. MK Ultra was perhaps the apex of this drug exploration to crack the mindbrain. Yet, the pharmacopiea of mindbending designer drugs for 'new' mental disorders grows daily, including stimulants for normal social adjustment.

First and foremost Tavistock made its mark studying the phenomena of nervous breakdown, first in shellshock after WWI and then via the technical means they discovered to bring it about.

It might easily be argued from today's professional mores that many irregularities existed in the early days of psychoanalytic training that can be likened to [personality] cult behavior, and/or mystery school initiation. They include inappropriate behavior, lack of sexual and social boundaries, exploitations of toxic dependencies, dogmatism, subtle and overt hypnotic techniques that break down personality, psychological incestuousness, enmeshment and more.

Context alone can create a hypnotic effect in the presence of charisma, respect, or admiration without recourse to formal induction.  Such intimate contact, suggestion, domineering behavior and mutual interpenetration can initiate adaptive regression and catharsis, but it also amplifies transference / countertransference.

Freud wasn't a particularly good formal hypnotist, but he was a powerful personality, perhaps distorted by his years of drug experimentation. With practice, hypnotic behavior becomes automatic. Freud practiced clinical hypnosis from roughly 1886-1900 and linked it to transference. He quit hypnosis before he quit regular cocaine use.

He may have abadoned the technique for psychoanalysis but the phenomena persisted under new names. He claimed hypnosis increased sexual stimulation in both therapist and patient. He believed he had discovered the mysterious element behind hypnotism and 'abandoned' it, or so he thought. However, 'eliminating' hypnosis did not eliminate transference, suggesting hypnotic rapport remained covert.

The therapeutic context can break down ego function while facilitating breakthroughs in therapeutic impasse. Such a felt-reality, including free-association, facilitates altered states, free-floating attention, deep absorption, enhanced memory, imagery, ego-receptivity, ego-activity, defenses, psychic mobility, unconscious experience and the capacity for self-observation remain intact in hypnosis.

Not unrelated to his psychosexual theory, from 1884-1904, Freud used cocaine, which hypersexualized his concept of the root of human drives and possibly influenced his ideas about hypnosis. When Freud had a strained split with a quackish drug-buddy Wilhelm Fliess, he behaved like a spurned lover.

Freud transfered his earlier, intense friendship with Fliess to Jung. He viewed Jung as his personal assistant -- a sort of sorcerer's apprentice. This was the opening act of a shrink-triangle drama that rivals a soap opera. Passion shaped its beginning with theatrical metaphors. The resultant theories reflected the personalities of their shapers.

Between 1907 and 1913 Carl Jung was Freud's star pupil. In 1909 they visited philosopher William James together in the United States. When the projective 'spell' broke and Jung became disillusioned, a decidedly Oedipal scanario played out between the psychoanalytical 'father' and his favorite 'son' and heir apparent. There were significant deceptions in the phallic/oedipal collusion of the Freud/Jung relationship. The pattern of deception led to mistrust and eroded the relationship, which might otherwise have survived theoretical differences.

When Jung joined the Psychoanalytical Movement he admitted to having a 'religious crush' on Freud with erotic overtones. Such feelings are a perfect set up for establishing rapport and indirect contextual hypnosis as later codified by Erickson, Rossi and in NLP. It was also a set up for failure in their relationship, recapitulating a sexual molest n Jung's youth by a man he admired. This time it was a seduce and destroy mind rape.

Did ESTJ Freud exert a hypnotic effect on INTP Jung? Inductions happen spontaneously when there is a power gradient, especially with charisma and admiration. We can imagine what he might have suggested to him, what experiments he might have performed on his open psyche. In psychoanalysis, the borders between professional training and personal relationships are indistinct, making critical assessment difficult.

Becoming a rival not a follower, Jung fell out with the overbearing Freud who devalued him, now describing him as 'useless.'.  Jung proposed a new theory of the unconscious in which libido is not just the sex drive but psychic energy. Jung defined it as the source of conflict, culture and transformation. Intensely critical of one another, Freud called Jung's Symbols of Transformation "nonesense."

Freud wanted nothing to do with the libido theory, spirituality nor the occult. After exchanging angry letters with Jung, Freud waited two weeks and then wrote on January 3, 1913, "I propose that we abandon our personal relations entirely" (McGuire, 1974, p.539). The breakdown of this core relationship directly precipitated Jung's nervous breakdown.

Jung's disagreement with Freud started over the latter's emphasis on sexuality alone as the dominant factor in unconscious motivation. "Every form of addiction is bad," Jung later said, "no matter whether the narcotic be alcohol or morphine or idealism." Freud fainted twice in Jung's presence but the ties were broken with the publication of Jung's Wandlungen und Symbole der Libido (1912, Symbols of Transformation), full of mythological images and motifs, and with his acts as the president of the International Congress of Psycho-Analysis. In a letter to Freud he wrote: "If ever you should rid yourself entirely of your complexes and stop playing the father to your sons, and instead of aiming continually at their weak spots took a good look at your own for a change, then I will mend my ways and at one stroke uproot the vice of being in two minds about you." (Jung on December, 18, 1912). The end of his father-son relationship with Freud had a profoundly disturbing effect on Jung. He withdrew from the psychoanalytic movement and suffered a six-year-long breakdown during which he had fantasies of mighty floods sweeping over northern Europe - prophetic visions of World War I. His inner experiences Jung recorded in the "Red Book", illustrated with his own works in the art nouveau style. His first mandala Jung constructed in 1916. He interpreted the form as a symbol of the self, the wholeness of the personality.

During Jung's breakdown years, Jung's own diary -- his 'Red Book,' Liber Novus, a detailed record of his inner life -- shows he began hearing the voices of spirit guides and had hallucinations. He worked on it over 16 years. Recording dialogues with gods and demons, he questioned his sanity. But Jung turned his breakdown into an experiment.

When Jung's mentor turned on him, did it induce a psychosis at age 38 when WWI was breaking out? Treating his horrid visions as a shifting dreamscape he explored his visions, developing new theory from the experience. During this life-altering crisis, he was at odds with the whole field of psychoanalysis. Freud persistently attacked Jung as their psychodrama continued. Curiously, Reich also suffered a similar breakdown following a split with Freud. Both were later 'reborn' with new theories as fruits of their travail.

Lack of ethical 'healthy boundaries' was rampant in early psychoanalysis. In the psychoanalytic family tree, analysands had up to five analytical "fathers" or "mothers," they had repeat analyses with the same parent, they reversed roles by analyzing their parent(s) later on, and they even analyzed each other simultaneously.

"Analysts slept with their patients, spouses and lovers analyzed each other or shared an analyst. There has been much discussion about whether Freud had an affair with his sister-in-law Minna Bernays, but what is perhaps even more startling is the idea, brought forward by Lisa Appignanesi and John Forrester, that he might have analyzed her. Sigmund Freud did not only analyze Marie Bonaparte and her lovers Heinz Hartmann and Rudolph Loewenstein (who himself analyzed Bonaparte), but also her daughter Eugénie; her son Pierre was analyzed by Heinz Hartmann. Erich Fromm analyzed Karen Horney's daughter Marianne, while having a relationship with Horney. As a child, Marianne, as well as her sister Renate, had already been analyzed by Melanie Klein. Brigitte, the third daughter, who was to become a well-known actress, should also have been treated by Klein, but, being fourteen years old and strong-willed, she refused to go for analysis at all.

Parents analyzed their own children as well as the children of their lovers. In 1925, Lou Andreas-Salomé remarked to Bloomsbury analyst Alix Strachey that "parents were the only proper people to analyze the child." When Alix reported this to her husband James, she added: "A shudder ran down my spine." Anna Freud's analysis with her father is obviously the most famous example. (Franz Alexander, who had perhaps had some form of training with Freud himself, analyzed Freud's son Oliver.) But Freud was not the only one to analyze one of his children: Karl Abraham treated his own daughter, Hilda; Carl Gustav Jung his daughter, Agathli; Ernst Kris his two children, Anna and Tony. Melanie Klein analyzed all of her children. Aunts also analysed their nephews: Anna Freud's first patients were two of her nephews, "Heinerle" Halberstadt and Ernst Halberstadt. Hermine Hug-Hellmuth also analyzed her nephew; he later strangled her to death (in his trial, he described himself as a victim of psychoanalysis)" (Falzedder).

This break-up so traumatized young Jung, he had a six-year mental breakdown. Did Freud essentially brainwash Jung to the point of psychological breakdown? We can only suspect what experiments and mindbending manipulations Freud might have used purposefully or inadvertently on Jung, perhaps even inducing his nervous breakdown. Jung was enmeshed in and rebelled against Freud's paternalistic authoritarianism.  Freud tried the Top Dog game on Jung. After his own encounters, Jung approached psychological demons by name.

Indirect strategies [see Notes] are psyops - covert actions directed at the opponent's weaknesses. We know there were mutual deceptions around sex and their respective theories. We know Jung was appalled when he learned of an affair Freud had with his wife's sister. But Jung also had one with his first patient, Sabina Spielrein. [see Notes]

The hub of the conflict, Spielrein (1886-1941) was one of the first women psychoanalysts. Jung treated her for hysteria when she was 18. She fell in love with Jung but he broke off their intense relationship to avert public scandal. 

Freud became Sabina's friend and mentor, and she confided to him the details of her attachment to Jung. According to John Kerr, a clinical psychologist and historian, Freud attempted to use what he knew about Jung's personal life to exert ideological control over the psychoanalytic movement.

In Kerr's scenario, Jung apparently was aware of Freud's secret affair with his sister-in-law Minna Bernays -- an affair which she personally confessed to him. After Jung threatened to retaliate by revealing what he knew about Freud's personal life, their collaboration dissolved. Jung went on to outline, if not a spiritual psychology, a psychology of the sacred.

Kerr argues, in A Most Dangerous Method,  that both men had an opportunity to make psychoanalysis an open, scientifically grounded discipline, but instead succumbed to ambition, dogma and personal animus. Kerr also charges that Freud and Jung suppressed Spielrein's own fertile theory of the unconscious that influenced their own -- sexuality as fusion rather than pleasure.

Their careers remained enmeshed. Working with both personal and collective contexts, Jung followed his dreams rejecting the role of Freud's heroic son. He feared Germany's inflation with the archetypal hero and Wotan myth manifesting in its rising nationalism and militarism. But he flirted with fascistic fantasies. Only in 1936 did he declare Hitler a possessed "raving berserker." Like Freud, Hitler had a drug problem that fed his inflation.

Delivering his model of collective unconscious to the Tavistock doctors may have been an error Jung could not see through at the time. It means he never really broke free of Freud's grip. It is Freud's statue that stands outside Tavistock to this day. Fascist regimes almost always are governed by groups of friends and associates who appoint each other.

Tavistock became quite the family affair. Freud's double nephew, Edward Bernays, beginning his career in 1913, became a principle player, introducing group dynamics, mass manipulation, "engineered consent" and PR techniques to the Tavistock repertoire of dirty tricks. He financed translations into English of Freud's work. Freud certainly realized the immense power of trauma over our lives.

The more lyrical Jung later saw his breakdown as a shamanic death and rebirth -- the path of the wounded-healer. By 1935, Jung is at Tavistock Clinic with Wilfred Bion, delivering five theory and practice lectures in analytical psychology on the deep nature of the psyche, including the collective unconscious and autonomous 'complexes' of painful, traumatic yet compelling character. We also call them subpersonalities. Having learned the hard way, he spoke on the pitfalls of primarily erotic transference as a hindrance to therapy.

Jung also covered personal and collective unconscious, will to power, archetypes, multi-layered psyche, the shadow, psychological types, anima/animus, dreams, active imagination, the energetic concept, transcendent function and psychopathology. All elements were exploitable.

Jung described his own time as being under the sway of a "rationalistic and political psychosis." Gathered libido is invested in rationalism as a cure-all and politics as a panacea. Too much emphasis is placed on externals, as if proper social, political and economic arrangements would cure the situation.

If Jung were alive today, he might call the dissolution of society by its alchemical name, solutio. Tavistock calls this death/rebirth archetype 'fluidity.' There is a generic process in nature and consciousness which dissolves and regenerates all forms. The essence of this transformation by liquifaction is a chaotic morphological process of purposeful yet inehrently unpredictable holistic repatterning. But first comes a potentially terrifying ego-death.

He claimed, our struggle is to assimilate the collective psyche - freeing our egos from contamination with the unconscious -- without succumbing to inflation or identification. Inflation is always self-destructive, catastrophic. Jung equates it with possession. He claimed individuation was the cure. Was it an inflationary grip of an archetype that compelled Tavistock's machinations, destructively acting out the shadow side of collective evil through their rationale? Torquing the field wreaks havoc on the field.

An inflated consciousness] is incapable of learning from the past, incapable of understanding contemporary events, and incapable of drawing right conclusions about the future. It is hypnotized by itself and therefore cannot be argued with. It inevitably doom itself to calamities that must strike it [and others within its sphere of influence] dead.. “…an unknown  ‘something’ has taken possession of a smaller or greater portion of the psyche and asserts its hateful and harmful existence undeterred by all our insight, reason, and energy, thereby proclaiming the power of the unconscious over the conscious mind, the sovereign power of possession.” (Jung)

Music and art were also identified as healing self-expressions, therapeutic vectors and means of cultural manipulation. Bertolt Brecht said, "Art is not a mirror held up to reality, but a hammer with which to shape it."

Could Jung have known to what ends his psychological theories would be twisted to control the collective?  Today we know the Tavistock Method itself, says groups, like dreams, have a manifest overt and a latent covert aspect.

The latent aspect includes the collective hidden agendas of all members: unconscious wishes, fears, defenses, fantasies, impulses and projections. By selling his panacea, individuation, Jung lost his creative child to toxic foster parents -- the authoritarian Tavistock. There is perhaps an abyss between his intentions in doing so and the result in this following century.

The two healers and visionaries are still being played off against one another. In the 1960s and 70s Jung's message of universal togetherness of all peoples at all times, seemed to offer endlessly luminous possibilities. By the 1980s, however, things had changed drastically. The meme of the Human Potential Movement had run its course.

Rejecting expansive, "Californian'' humanism, intellectuals returned to Freud in droves. Not only did Freud's sexual pessimism chime with the spirit of the age of AIDS, fashionable French thinkers Lacan and Derrida made him intellectually acceptable once again. Meanwhile Jung's reputation declined. Some view Jung as a cult figure, a personal religion. Freud always saw the individual at war with society, a ceaseless war of competing drives. Tavistock reflects that core notion.

In 1938, the same year Albert Hofmann discovered LSD, Freud moved to London, where both he and his daughter Anna were closely associated with Tavistock. Freud and Jung's divergent theories found a common patron. Jung's breakdown led to realization of our rootedness in a transcendent dimension. He had found the trigger of the transformation process, which can also be exploited to keep people stuck in chaotic states.

Psychoanalysis was cross-pollinated by Viennese Theosophy and other European occult groups too numerous to mention. Jung introduced his concept of psychic "tension of opposites" at his Tavistock Lectures. These polarities can be manipulated in meaning and content. Like Yin and Yang or chaos and order, the tension of opposites is fundamental to existence.

Finding his model for unifying psyche and matter in alchemy, Jung proposed a compensatory relationship between the ego and unconscious. In philosophy, it is thesis, antithesis and synthesis. Confusion, indecision, fear and pain amplify the tension of opposites. It seems the world is coming apart. When "the center cannot hold" it is this opposition that gives way to wild oscillation and fragmentation. In reintegration, this is the dimension that is integrated in a 'higher' view.

Hegel's synthesis is Jung's transcendent function which collapses past/present/future. Constant conflict of opposites is also the core of the political process. The opposites conflict in the psyche and the world at large. Values are particularly susceptible to radical changes. This is where the 'double bind' and creative tension lives in us. 'Spiritual awakening' is rooted here. Integration is the zero point of consciousness - the singularity.

The changing worldview for turbulent times is the Transmodern paradigm. Transdisciplinarity is not a metatheory. It’s not a theory at all. It’s both science and art. In fact, it is neither science nor art. It’s a new knowledge you cannot reduce to old knowledge. The three components of reality include Subject, Object and the dynamic interaction term, a process-oriented mediating factor.

Inner knowing is the challenge to today's scientific thinking, placing spiritual trust in metaphysical wholeness. New Age reflects it mythically. Physics reflects it theoetically. Consciousness becomes the basis of physics, where "nothing is real" any longer. Creation comes from the future by hologram.

This meme has given birth to the magical thinking of "you make up your own reality," a metaprogrammed extension of "Jiminy Cricket" wishing upon a star. The wise caution, "be careful what you want because you will surely get it," invariably with unforeseen consequences. Even the I Ching suggests any deliberate intention of an effect would only destroy the possibility of producing it. A perception of success could be the deception of ego inflation, compounding the problem further with a fantasy of control.

Left or right, your ideas and ideals aren't your own. There is virtually no distinction between the concepts of psychology's collective psyche, philosophy's primordial field and the undifferentiated zero-point of physics.

In the new view there is no solid reality. All has been reduced to Nothing at all -- but that Nothing is luminous, radiant light, literally the groundstate of being and holographic treasurehouse of all memories of mankind.

However, Tavistock's birth mother was not sacred, but a whore -- a propaganda front called Wellington House, a fount of disinformation preceding WWI, called the "Lie Factory." They sold ideas. They sold wars like they sold pop culture, through mass manipulation.

This propaganda organ spawned a myriad social and political revolutions but America remains their primary target. MK-Ultra psyops represented a decision to undermine America from the bottom up with conceptual machinations, drugs and an unstable counterculture belief structure.

It’s a long journey from Tavistock to Woodstock nation to a massive Future Stock correction but the ‘organic’ method is clear: A rootstock is a plant, often just the stump of an established root system, used for grafting a cutting or bud from another plant.

The grafted part, the scion, has the properties desired by the propagator, and the rootstock interacts with the soil to nourish the new plant. They grow together, producing a single tree although genetically it always remains two different plants.

Thus, the stock produces cultivated hybrid fruits, but like the man-eating omnivores of a "Little Shop of Horrors," many of them are hungry and might bite you. Rotten fruits cast their seeds, breeding more mind control institutions and operators. If any of its classical behavioral techniques, including drugs are shaping your life, you've been "Tavi-stalked."


Perhaps you've heard this oft-told tale before, well-covered by all the 'usual suspects' in conspiracy theory. A global web has been cast by "foundation ideology," the proliferation of thinktank theory. For decades, Tavistock's roots have spread underground and after a century of manipulation they are bearing fruit. There is method in your madness, but it isn't your own. In more than one sense, we are "possessed."

There are places in the world where humans actually weave living roots together to build bridges. Crosspollinations can be endlessly unpacked from all streams of esoterics, secret societies and occultism. There are far too many interconnected groups to mention in one article but a little research will be amply rewarded. Much has been written on the subject, including occult espionage.

Tavistock's history is one thing, yet perhaps the process itself is more important. Therapists are taught to "trust the process," and that fear and pain are part of it. Process groups are an extension of individual 'processing,' -- addressing primary and secondary processes which are unconscious. To describe Tavistock today requires flying over the panorama of cultural landscapes.

Process is the basis of individual and collective change. Processing integrates unconscious material but can also be applied to conflict resolution. This is edgework at the critical boundaries of identity. This technique of manipulating subconscious drives and social implosion -- peer pressure, alienation, massaging personality, childhood programming and regression -- is often exploited by cults.

First and foremost, Tavistock is a behavior modifier. They modify behavior and reality by modifying semantics and the environment. What is a modifier? We can extrapolate its 'netaphorical' meaning [a product of the 'net,' cast by the Tavistock spell of invisibility] from the common definitions.

Tavistock changes or reverses the meaning of everything from behind the scenes. We can't understand metaphorical meaning without knowing the underlying structure-concepts - i.e. conceptual dependency or context of the syntactic level. A semantic modifier may refer to"

  • Grammatical modifier: adjective or adverb [or institution] that changes the meaning of a noun, pronoun, or verb ; limits the meaning
  • Dangling modifier: word or phrase [or institution] that modifies a clause in an ambiguous manner
  • Modifyer key: a computer keyboard, a key [or institution] that changes the semantics of other keys

Tavistock's legitimate and bastard children include modified hybrids such as social psychology, social ecology, humanistic psychology, transpersonal psychology, conflict resolution, future studies, change agents, systems theory, decision theory.  Tactics include psystrat, buzzwords, spin, pitching, sloganeering, polling, opinion-making, levels of control, human relations. Concepts modified include mother-child relations, casual sex, self-esteem, and empowerment.

Tavistock experts planted ideas about humanism, behavior modification, group dynamics, paradigm shift, stress management, coping, processing, deconstruction, integration, ecology, psychiatry, cognitive structure, object relations. They created trends including Aquarian conspiracy, women's liberation, generation gap, planned parenthood, population bomb, sensitivity training.

The Boomer generation was steered by the Human Potential Movement (HPM) toward narcissism, selfishness, feel-good experientialism, denial, anti-intellectualism, superficiality and bliss-bunny optimism. But in the end it turned conformist-consumer in the Yuppie trend.

Tavistock has captured the science of 'transitions,' including midlife crisis. They grab onto the psyche through the gaps in consciousness after inducing flux. Radicalization, counterculture, alternate life styles, classless society, controlled environment are such parameters. Drug culture, post-modernism, subcultures, and political correctness all found fertile soil in the world's universities, taking root and spreading through networks of trained professionals.

The thinktank balance skews to the right but they are happy to exploit the idealism of the left in universities and "subversities." Ideas grew in social fields encompassing behavioral science, organizational behavior, total quality management theory, shared ethics, parenting, conferences, facilitating, group therapy, team management, organizational culture, group process, socio-tech, core competence, system improvement, family systems therapy, and self-analysis.

In their search for biochemical soporifics, they have left no "stone" unturned. Though many have benefited greatly from such progressive programs and therapies, their ultimate goal follows a subtle sinister control agenda that no one engaging in such activity could guess from the surface. Have we been "sleeping with the enemy," inducing trauma at the same time we try to heal it? Rather than healing the sick, Tavistock makes the healthy ill.

They've promoted pluralism, interconnection, decentralization, privatization, globalization, social environmental turbulence, work-life issues, social capital, one world government, networking, class war, brain trust, leaderless groups, disinformation, zeitgeist, entertainment-propaganda, urban de-concentration, illiteracy crisis,

Communications revolution, "changing times," "embedding," "gulf crisis," "nation building," "suburban superconsciousness," New Left, cult of personality, spiritual profiteering, planet huggers, "planet hoppers," singularity and other emergent themes were inspired by Tavistock. Even Internet began as a DoD project. We experience the collective conscious daily in the global commons. We meet, greet and teach one another now. Eugenics has morphed into transhumanism and synthetic biology.

Thoughts are controlled by language that limits personal expression. 'Metaphor' creates a reality that shapes thought through public opinion with mass media that straightjackets the mind. Tavistock calls it 'Basic'; Orwell called it 'Newspeak.' It controls and manages 'the news.' Dummied down educational systems limit most citizens to basic vocabularies. New buzzwords, collapsing synonyms and antonyms, are created to hold a meme as a gestalt.

Unraveling Social Fabric

Tavistock's social engineering strategy was studying things by changing them in their 'natural environment.' They learned about resistance to change in the industrial environment and emerging societal problems. Concept maps lead to critical paths that lead to tipping points.

"All public opinion polling has its origins in "sociometrics,'' or statistical sociology, as developed in the early part of this century by Frankfurt School-linked operatives, including Max Weber. By the late 1940s and early 1950s, the key U.S. nodes of Tavistock were conducting specialized polling operations, under contract from government agencies and the private sector." (Wolf)

After World War II, the Tavistock-Frankfurt School networks profiled Americans, ostensibly to study "prejudice'' in the United States. The study produced a notorious volume titled The Authoritarian Personality. In the 60s, another major polling-profiling operation by Tavistock networks, under a NASA grant, "examined" the impact of the space program on the population.

The semi-secret "Rapoport Report" found that the space program had produced a "dangerous outbreak" of cultural optimism and belief in the capability of creative scientific thinking to solve problems, so NASA was hamstrung. [note: Anatoli Rapoport also wrote on game theory and conflict resolution for University of Michigan Press].

Institutions embody these metaphormed ideas, including medicine, finance, banking, intelligence, and foreign policy. The penultimate Tavistock groups include CFR, Trilateral Commission and Bilderbergers. These "Olympians" control the way we see the future. It isn't illegal to condition anyone without their explicit knowledge or consent. "The Technocratic Era" (1950) by Zbigniew Brzezinski was frighteningly accurate predicting the trend toward fascism.

Architects of Control

CIA, MI6, Rand, Brookings, Esalan, Stanford Research Institute (SRI) and Club of Rome thinktanks, National Training Laboratories, Kurt Lewin's Research Center for Group Dynamics (MIT and Ann Arbor), Institute for Social Research (ISR) and Survey Research Center at University of Michigan, Georgetown, Harvard, Wharton and MIT's Sloane business schools are prime examples. Hudson Institute, Heritage Foundation, PNAC, Bechtel, WHO, Ditchley Foundation are conduits.

Are you in charge of your destiny? If not, who is? in charge of your destiny? Kurt Lewin imported the Frankfurt/Tavistock methods into the US. Elliott Jacques, Influenced by Lewin, Rees shaped The Tavistock Method and organization. Eric Trist, Hedley Cantril, Wilfred Bion, H.V. Dicks and many more contributed to the literature of social engineering. Management utopians took these principles corporate. Trist ironically titles his biography, "Guilty of Enthusiasm" (1993). In 1922, Walter Lippman codified the methods of psychological warfare and public opinion.

Bernays countered with Crystallizing Public Opinion and Propaganda (1928) with its ideas of "secret government." John Rawlings Rees published the Journal of Humanistic Psychology. Counterculture heroes, Margaret Meade, Gregory Bateson, Marilyn Ferguson, Aldous Huxley, Michael Murphy, Abraham Maslow, Carl Rogers and so many others were complicit, if unwitting.

Tavistock's "prophet," Sigmund Freud and his colleagues promoted theories of psychological collapse and techniques for inducing psychosocial breakdown in a silent but deadly war of mass brainwashing to impose conformity. The goal of a docile population became achievable.

Group experience can alter the values of individuals and gradually change the basis of society. In the 1930s, Tavistock collaborated in a cultural critique with the Frankfurt Institute for Social Research, created by the European oligarchy. Moving to New York in the late 1930s, the Frankfurt School pioneered analysis of mass media effects. Mass communications leads to mass control. Instead of an "Invasion From Mars" we got an invasion from Tavistock -- a "War of the Words."

Freud's nephew, a Tavistock Institute allstar, Edward Bernays is the godfather of propaganda and the "engineered consent" of Madison Avenue. The Nazi's employed techniques he outlined in the book PROPAGANDA, and later brought them back to the US under Operation Paperclip.

Techniques were picked up by CIA and morphed into mind control operations such as programmed assassins and MK Ultra drug and mind control. The foreign and domestic public became their lab rats for covert activity and coercive mind control tactics, including drugs, persuasion, fear, projection and illusion. Changing programming changes identity. Those who invented 'quality of life' have virtually ruined yours -- the life you will never know.

Tensions in society are artificially inflammed. 'Critical theory' aims at changing society as a whole. It begs the question, critical for whom? Populations are programmed with "The Big Lie," distorted communications bent on the social control of human behavior. Once it embodies these producer/consumer ideals, society becomes a living sacrifice to the false GOD (Gold, Oil, Drugs). The 'OILogarchy' has funded many Tavistock type projects.

You are "collateral damage" in the methodical pursuit for your soul. None of us escapes Tavistock-style "long range penetration and inner conditioning." Programming instills a false consciousness about the nature of collective reality.

A blackhole of deception, Tavistock shocktoops invaded society, targeteing, infiltrating and attacking all professions. Banking, defense, politics, education, media, industry, mental health and religion succumb to the relentless Tavistock "Borg." Hijacked control mocks the Constitution turning it into a bait-and-switch liberty scam. You cannot have liberty, when in Newspeak it means 'slavery.'

Tavistock's first victory was capturing the collective imagination. The explicit goal of action-oriented behavioral control of human nature is disarming the mind. They manipulate through your psychological needs. Paradoxically, Tavistock calls your controlled condition "empowered." Can we learn to see through the "forced choices" game and reclaim our individuality?

Collective Psyche

If human civilization isn't broken, it sure is bent to the breaking point. Tavistock modulates this threshold with crises and futureshock. Our outer world is only as good as our inner world and that has been calculatedly undermined, warping personal perception, feelings, emotions and beliefs.

We have no control over the collective psyche that is our collective unconscious as outlined by Carl Jung in his Tavistock Lectures (1935). Collective psyche is your secret self, full of archetypal "strange attractors" we formerly called gods and goddesses. It is "as if" multiple forces, each with their own arenas, agendas, and dynamics mold our lives and world to their will.

The synchronistic totality of all conscious and unconscious self-organizing processes has its own psychic structure and flow. We are vulnerable to the spontaneous fluctuations of the collective unconscious. The Tavistock agenda exploits these dynamics taking control of the reins to manipulate us with our unconscious dynamics.

Global sociopolitical life and systemic problems are fractally mirrored in each of us. So are collective Shadow, delusions and metaprogramming. We engage in crisis aversion rituals which do not relieve our existential anxiety or fears of the unknown future.

We all cherish the idea of freedom, but has it ever been more than a concept, a delusion of grandeur? National interests and actions often conflict with espoused values which are applied only selectively, if at all. We have been seduced into surrendering our principles and personal freedoms for a fantasy of security and a bigger house that is wasteful to heat. Was personal sovereignty ever an option or only a pleasant daydream? Forces beyond our control misdirect us, blurring the distinction between truth and reality.

But our collective hearts cry out for something beyond the myopia of collectivism that plagues us. We yearn for insight into our real condition and compassionate relief from it. We swing manic-depressively from hope to outrage.

Change starts with the questions we ask because they are embedded with the potential to shift our awareness to more expansive and unexpected views. Can we beat the system before it beats us down? With a grasp of the gameplan we can at least each devise our own strategy for these times, with or without the promise of neoliberal economic reform.

The Game of Life

The geopolitical and psychosocial Game of Life is rigged. But then "all's fair in war," at least since Tavistock silently declared it. As they know since the concept originated at RAND, the "Prisoners' Dilemma" is the 'catch 22' inescapable paradox of Game Theory -- conditional strategies of self interest. The logical paradox is a double bind. This is how processes split into polarization of competing domains often leading to Fascism.

There is a cost to group living for all individuals in the crucible of group competition. A player's cooperation means "staying silent." At the critical cusp the process bifurcates, leading to an impasse of crisis and instability. Protection from aggression and the need for cooperation reach stalemate as in the Cold War. This is the psychobiology of morality. Domination and exploitation lead to atrophy.

All of life is locked in the dilemma of cooperative and competitive forces we call life. In the 'tragedy of the commons,' it always pays off for exploiters to exploit the altruistic (Hardin). Game equilibrium favors selfishness. But the end result is multiple jeopardy and destruction of the environment. Yet evolution seems to avoid reciprocity when possible. Real games of life often tend to an equilibrium between cooperating and defecting strategies, except in the Dictator Game, making the Prisoners' Dilemma a permanent feature of natural and social survival.

"In the 'public good' game, everyone makes a voluntary contribution to a common pot of money, the experimenter doubles it, and the pot is divided evenly among the participants regardless of what they contributed. The optimal strategy for each player acting individually is to be a free rider and contribute nothing, hoping others will contribute something and he can get a share of their contribution. Of course, if every player thinks that way, the pot stays empty and no one earns a dime. The optimum for the group is for all the players to contribute everything they have so they can all double their money. When the game is played repeatedly, however, everyone tries to become a free rider, and the pot dwindles to a self-defeating zero. On the other hand, if people are allowed both to contribute to the pot and to levy fines on those who don't contribute, conscience doth make cowards of them all, and almost everyone contributes to the common and profitable good." (King)

To understand mass psychology, you need to know the real rules of engagement - the psychological strategy deployed in the war for your mind. Metaprogramming is not an exact science, but Madison Avenue has demonstrated effects are real enough and that propaganda, groupthink and even entertainment can bend minds.

Don't mistake information for knowledge. You may have an illusion of knowledge and an illusion of control over your own judgment and values. Situational awareness and analysis help us deduce plausible future scenarios. Scenarios create a map of uncertainty.

Why do you think there are so many global extinction scenarios on television now? Life as mankind has known it is under grave threat of extinction from potential biological, geophysical and cosmological agents. But the politics of fear work whether any actual threat is there, or not.

Induced and controlled stress is the principle of mass persuasion coupled with the dynamics of leadership and authority. Mass psychology is fear psychology, undermining independent thought. Cold War paranoia remains a good example. Fear and its counterpoint, overambition, also modulates investor psychology through behavioral investing.

Even with radically reduced consumption per capita, the carrying capacity of the earth is less than 1/2 the present population. Demographic momentum suggests global population will double in our children's lifetimes. It took from the big bang to 1824 for global population to reach 1 billion. There were times humanity nearly went extinct, such as the Toba eruption, some 74,000 years ago.

The Great Correction: Peak Energy / Peak People

Barring catastrophe, 15 billion will inhabit the planet in the blink of an eye. Half a billion in the US in the next century makes population control sound necessary and desirable, depending on how such programs are executed, literally and figuratively. [Population Explosion: ]

Would we want Paradise Engineering if it were achievable? Brave New World is the false model of universal social happiness. But how could we be dystopic if it becomes psychophysiologically impossible? Transhumanists claim superhappiness and radical mood enhancement are around the corner with or without supercharged designer drugs. But if we are bioengineered are we truly human or something else entirely?

Just like any individual, collective psyche has realities, fantasies and delusions. Some of them do not arise spontaneously, but are introjected into society as memes. Why do you suppose even the commercials relate to collective crisis, economic, social, and mental distress?

IRS and private debt, medical bankruptcy, foreclosure, pollution hazards, mood alteration? Fear and escape are cultivated like crops. The louder and more often they call for attention, the more sure you can be they are part of the Pavlovian programming problem, not the solution.

Illegal and legal drugs, including cigarettes and alcohol, quietly cull the population and generate tremendous cashflow for hospitals and legal systems. The Drug War doesn't work but is immenently fundable and therefore continues as a front for "plausible deniability." But how can we reform any system that is systematically deformed?

There is a solution on sale for you to mitigate every distress, a cure for every ill. To be a "good" consumer now, you must be ecological and buy more investment purchases, even though you just lost 75% of your retirement funds. When you aren't being sold remedies, you are being fed fear in crisis after crisis. You had better get your mandatory vaccination soon. There are many ways for the psychological vampire to put "the bite" on you.

The real crisis is this war conducted inside your head by those who do not have your best interests at heart, by those who program you for exploitation while robbing you of rights and freedoms. The utopian/dystopian spectrum ranges in the individual from euphoria to dysphoria and collectively from peace to war.

Social ecologist, Philip Zimbardo is renowned for his Stanford Prison Experiment, demonstrating that in the right circumstances ordinary people can swiftly become amoral monsters. Evil isn't inherent in individuals, but emerges dependably when a sequence of dehumanizing and stressful circumstances unfolds. Predictable situations corrupt people into wielding sadistic power in a destructive way. The recipe for behavior change isn’t complicated. What makes good people do evil deeds?

Zimbardo claims, “All evil begins with a big lie,” whether it’s a claim to be following the word of God, or the need to stamp out political opposition. A seemingly insignificant step follows, with successive small actions, presented as essential by an apparently just authority figure. The situation presents others complying with the same rules, perhaps protesting, but following along all the same. If the victims are anonymous or dehumanized somehow, the formula works better. Exiting the situation is extremely difficult.

No Exit

We are in an existential double bind. Underlying forces are playing our underlying forces, modulating personal and collective moods like an emotional organ. CIA used to brag about its "Mighty Wurlitzer," synchronized media control. Conflict, fear and trauma can be used to manipulate and control individuals and whole populations. Drugs are becoming ever more readily available, legally and illegally. Transnational drug trade supports even more black ops "social engineering" in other areas.

Drugs are no longer needed for psyops because ELF weapons have been created to conduct the secret war with electronic frequency generators that cause the brain to resonate at whatever level is programmed. Disease and dis-ease can be broadcast with microwave mind control.

Boundaries collapse in mass migration and changing demographics. Crises play on our anxiety which is displaced fear. They also preoccupy us from noticing what is really going on -- from petrocollapse to population collapse.

The silent war -- mass psychological warfare -- for your mind has already been won, but not by you, yourself. PSYOPS is the weapon deployed in full-spectrum warfare and you are the target. The main issue for rulers and government has always been how to control the population at large. A huge psychosocial combine grinds the wheat from the chaff of human society. We've been systematically deprived of our freedoms and independence.

Given the means, it then follows that bending wills and the means to do so become imperatives. Violence is too crass and resource depleting. Bloodless efforts simply begin at the cradle and carry on relentlessly to the last breath. Programming, intimidation, coercion and persuasion are built into the system.

But how is the mind bent and toward what ends? The masses are bent through control of resources and the environment, mind control, massive manipulation, crisis and social turbulence. Nonprofit foundations have teamed with corporate, military and governmental entities to form a covert control force. Unintended consequences result. Under the guise of 'prevention' they create oppression.

Good intentions and even best practices don't always result in desirable effect. We also have to ask, "Desirable for whom?" Democracy has to be relearned in each generation or it is doomed to failure. The game is rigged by molding the worldview, values and desires of children. The game has been telegraphed through literature and films, but that has not stopped its insidious penetration of the collective psyche.

Metaphorical Manipulation

Coercion can be masked as group process. Once you know how to teach democracy you can also subvert it for control. Nothing is as practical as a good theory. Feedback is a key ingredient. An attitude of acceptance is engendered early. Historically, drugs and terrorism have been used to control populations.

Tavistock institute is the primary purveyor of global manipulation and crowd control. The social influence of Tavistock cannot be overestimated in intelligence, education, mind control, monopolistic media, psychiatry, the military and other major arenas of culture. It is the source of the Human Potential Movement, encounter groups, and the "Tavistock Method," which induces and controls stress via "psychologically controlled environments" in order to make people give up firmly held beliefs under "peer pressure."

Like a deadly iceberg, the Tavistock agenda lurks below the conscious threshold of society. It is continuously working its way into the fabric of our being using its own memes and viral methodology. When they aren't playing to our fear, they are playing to our cultural narcissism -- the Madison Avenue concocted American Consumer, drunk on the hypercompetitive American Dream of More.

Now is the time to sober up and realize your mind has been hijacked by commercial interests and you let them do it. It doesn't come as news to many because for years it has been going on hiding in plain sight. Long ago H.G. Wells attempted to establish a technocratic global empire ruled by elites. Social psychology would retrain the masses by symbolically enslaving their souls. Psychological warfare made this "English ideology" a reality. (Stahlman, 1996)

In The Time Machine he authored a dystopian future where humans were blissed-out "cattle" who were fed upon by underground trolls. Societal effects show, this blueprint for techno future has been followed metaphorically and literally. The nation state is abandoned for the world revolution - a global state run by scientist/priests and social engineers, technocrats and libertarians that Wells called "The Open Conspiracy."

This dark vision was the death-knell of independent economic sovereignty and an endorsement of oligarchy and plutocracy -- stateless robber-barons. Human agency is lost to manipulation. Norbert Weiner's "Human Use of Human Beings" (1950) predicted human release from drudgery through automation, but cyberlife has brought its own drudgery, such as the endless barrage of viral apps in Facebook that are the 'herpes' of netlife.

Marshall McLuhan claimed mass media eliminated individual human beings, including capitalist cyberhippies and the commodified personality cult "brands" of the spiritual supermarket and other mass market penetration. In such a society, only the decommodified can afford to be free. The new faith based on cybertechnology, free-market economics and counterculture libertarianism has already failed. California, and its hedonic philosophy, is bankrupt. So where are we going?

Hesse's Nobel-prize winning novel set in the post-holocaust 23rd century, Glass Bead Game or Magister Ludi (1943) describes a cadre of individuals and their headmaster -- the Magister Ludi -- engrossed in interdisciplinary play, engineering cultural values from behind the scenes. Hesse never explains just how the game is played, but hints at its structure for future aspirants seeking global solutions to the critical predicament of mankind through Global Architectronics.

The Glass Bead Game requires that its players synthesize aesthetics and philosophy. The esoteric society is a mode of playing with the total contents and values of our culture, like a master painter plays with the colors on his palette. The Game's synthetic, non-linear information play is a forerunner and blueprint of virtual reality metaphysics and AI. This symphonic music of ideas was multimedia in the making.

Each elite player is required to intensively contemplate the content, origin, and meaning of the all-meaningful palette of symbols for novel insights. "Realizing" and symphonic integration are aspects of play. The game is a path from Becoming to Being, from potentiality to reality -- it has real consequences. Meditative epiphanies not only foresee but create or massage the future. Mass control always aims to remold the perception of self and reality.

For the small circle of genuine Glass Bead Game players cosmic play in a symbolic universe is virtually equivalent to worship. The game is God to the players who act in a god-like manner by manipulating symbolic forms. The game play programs society. Meanwhile normal humans obsess on trying to remember their true essence and fantasize about a new stage of evolution. Both attempt to cultivate synchronicity.



Coleman, John, Tavistock Institute of Human Relations

Cooke, Ben "The Tavistock's Everday Use of Benzedrine..." Management and Organizational History, Vol. 4(2), 2009

Corbett, Sara, "The Hoy Grail of the Unconscious"

Gray, John, Black Mass: Apocalyptic Religion and the Death of Utopia (Doubleday, 2007)

Gray, John, Heresies: Against Progress and Other Illusions (2004).

King, Chris, The Prisoner's Dilemma" http://www.dhushara .com/paradoxhtm/ prisoners. htm

Wolf, L. "For Whom the Polls Toll" The American Almanac, May 5, 1997,

Schneck, Jerome, "Countertransference in Freud's Rejection of Hypnosis,"

Szafranki, Colonel Richard (1995) "A Theory of Information Warfare"

Trist, Eric, The Social Engagement of Social Science: A Tavistock Anthology" 


"Political language is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable and to give the appearance of solidity to pure wind." --George Orwell









"Countless people... will hate the new world order... and will die protesting against it... When we attempt to evaluate its promise, we have to bear in mind the distress of a generation or so of malcontents..." - H.G. Wells, The New World Order, 1939
"We shall have World Government, whether or not we like it. The only question is whether World Government will be achieved by conquest or consent." --James Paul Warburg

"All news is lies and all propaganda is disguised as news." --Willi Muzenberg

"Goebbels, Propaganda Minister in the German Third Reich used methodology devised by Bernays as well as those of Willy Munzenberg, whose extraordinary career is touched upon in this work about the past, present and future. Without Tavistock, there would have been no WWI and WWII, no Bolshevik Revolution, Korea, Vietnam, Serbia and Iraq wars. But for Tavistock, the United States ould not be rushing down the road to dissolution and collapse." --John Coleman







"Polls prove people are stupid. If you want an American to believe something, then all you have to do is get a poll taken that says it is so (and believe me, that is an easy thing to do, if you know how), and then get it publicized. You can tell somebody the Moon is made of green cheese--if the poll numbers say it is so, then the jerk reading them or watching them on the boob tube will believe it. Guaranteed.'' --Hal Becker, Futurist-Pollster


"There will be, in the next generation or so, a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude, and producing dictatorship without tears, so to speak, producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies, so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them, but will rather enjoy it, because they will be distracted from any desire to rebel by propaganda or brainwashing, or brainwashing enhanced by pharmacological methods. And this seems to be the final revolution." --Aldous Huxley, Tavistock Group, California Medical School, 1961

"The technotronic era involves the gradual appearance of a more controlled society. Such a society would be dominated by and elite, unrestrained by traditional values." --Zbigniew Brzezinsky, Between Two Ages: America's Role in the Technetronic Era, 1970

"Power is the ultimate aphrodisiac." --Henry Kissenger, NY Times, 1971

"The highest manifestation of life consists in this: that a being governs its own actions. A thing which is always subject to the direction of another is somewhat of a dead thing." --Thomas Aquinas

"According to Dobbs everyone else disappeared in 1945, leaving behind a world of "holeopathic retrievals." "Holeopathic," he explains, is a mixture of "homeopathy" and "hologram." Homeopathy is a form of medical treatment where the physician takes the essence of a substance and dilutes it, the theory being that the tinier the dose the more potent it is. A hologram is an artificial environment indistinguishable from the reality upon which it's based. Dobbs claims it was the implementation of what he calls "the solar government" in 1945 that caused the disappearance of Earth's entire population, who were then replaced with holograms." --Bob Dobbs, Paranoia







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